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RYAN BIGG - Rails 3 in Action
[ · Скачати дистанційно (7.41 MB) ] 13.09.2016, 19:23

This book has been through quite the development process! It began in 2008 with Michael Ivey, Yehuda Katz, and Ezra Zygmuntowicz and was called Merb in Action. Since then it has changed name and hands a couple of times, winding up with people such as James Cox and the great Mike Gunderloy, the latter of whom is probably most famous for his work on Factsheet Five and many . NET books, not to mention being one of the founding members of the RailsBridge (http://railsbridge.org) organization. Then, somehow, I became involved with this book. I received an email on a cold April morning in 2010 from Christina Rudloff at Manning asking if I would have any interest in joining the project. I was exceptionally excited! I had been writing short blog posts about Rails for years, and the idea of focusing that effort into writing a book made me extremely happy. Long story short: Yehuda Katz liked what he saw on my blog and wanted me to join the project. Working with Yehuda has been brilliant. He’s got to be one of the smartest and most patient people I have ever met.

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