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Michael Sikora - EJB 3 Developer Guide
[ · Скачати дистанційно (1.25 MB) ] 13.09.2016, 19:38

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) technology is a core part of the Java EE 5 specification. EJB is a framework for building enterprise-scale object-oriented, distributed, component-based business applications. EJB business applications are written in Java, are scalable and can be deployed on any platform that supports the EJB specification. EJB applications are deployed to and execute under the control of an EJB container. The EJB container provides services typically required by enterprise applications such as security, transaction management, resource pooling, and systems management. The EJB 3 specification, released in May 2006, is a radical change from previous versions of the technology. Developing business applications is considerably easier with EJB 3. The handling of persistence in particular has radically changed in EJB 3. Persistence is no longer a service provided by an EJB container but rather by a persistence provider conforming to the Java Persistence API (JPA) specification. Java applications which need to be persisted but which do not require the services provided by an EJB container can be persisted outside an EJB container by a JPA persistence provider. In this book we cover JPA as well as the core EJB 3 services.

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