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Bertrand Meyer - Object-Oriented Software Construction
[ · Скачати дистанційно (8.43 MB) ] 13.09.2016, 19:29

B orn in the ice-blue waters of the festooned Norwegian coast; amplified (by an aberration of world currents, for which marine geographers have yet to find a suitable explanation) along the much grayer range of the Californian Pacific; viewed by some as a typhoon, by some as a tsunami, and by some as a storm in a teacup — a tidal wave is hitting the shores of the computing world.

“Object-oriented” is the latest in term, complementing and in many cases replacing “structured” as the high-tech version of “good”. As is inevitable in such a case, the term is used by different people with different meanings; just as inevitable is the well-known three-step sequence of reactions that meets the introduction of a new methodological principle: (1) “it’s trivial”; (2) “it cannot work”; (3) “that’s how I did it all along anyway”. (The order may vary.)

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